Dave's Rocket Shop

Your home for High Performance Rocketry

Category: References

Reference material. This can include video or web links, links to design materials, or to sites containing reference data

Rocketry Clubs and Organizations

National and International

Canadian Association of Rocketry http://www.canadianrocketry.org/

National Association of Rocketry (NAR) http://www.nar.org/

Tripoli Rocketry Association http://www.tripoli.org/


Local Clubs (just some of many!)

Ottawa Rocketry Group http://ottawa-rocketry.org/

Pittsburgh Space Command http://www.psc473.org/

Upstate Rocketry Research Group http://urrg.us/

Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association https://mdrocketry.org/

Northern Virginia Association of Rocketry http://novaar.org/drupal6/


Saturn I/IB/V Scale Data

George Gassaway’s Saturn IB drawings (Start here): http://www.georgesrockets.com/GRP/Preview/Saturn-IB.html

Real Space Models (Great detail!): http://www.realspacemodels.com/drawing-sets/

Hero Relics (so much stuff!): http://heroicrelics.org/index.html

NASA Technical Drawings and Diagrams (not as useful as you’d expect): https://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/diagrams/diagrams.htm

Body wraps: http://www.rocketshoppe.com/info/saturn_1b_100/

Photos of static displays (at the bottom of the page): http://www.primeportal.net/photo_home/howard_mason_home.htm

Saturn family: http://www.alternatewars.com/SpaceRace/Saturn/Saturn.htm

Great reference photos: http://mek.kosmo.cz/newware/nw133pho.htm

Photo archive: http://www.apolloarchive.com/

An attempt at an authoritative site: https://www.apollosaturn.com/

Saturn I references: http://meatballrocketry.com/scale-data/

… also some good tips for building: http://meatballrocketry.com/saturn-construction-tips/


A good starting point for any rocket is Peter Alway’s “Rockets of the World”: https://www.amazon.com/Rockets-world-Peter-Alway/dp/0962787671/




Design Files

Unless otherwise specified, all hardware designs on this site are licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License, and all the software is under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or compatible licenses.


Saturn IB design files


Saturn I design files


Sleds for electronics


FreeCAD macros
